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Wet-laids media are made with short fibers suspended in a fluid. The fibers are deposited onto a screen or porous surface to remove the fluid and the web is then consolidated mechanically, chemically, or thermally. Wet-laid materials have outstanding uniformity when compared with other nonwovens. The most widely used medias today are produced on a ...
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16839 Hits

ISO Cleanliness Target for Systems

​Machine/Component             ISO RatingRoller Bearings                          16/14/12Journal Bearings                        17/15/12Industrial Gear Box           &n...
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15302 Hits

HENEK Manufacturing, Inc. Removes Particulate in 2 Passes

HENEK saves Jet fuel terminal $1,000,000 on product, transportation and disposal Cellulose and cellulose synthetic blends have proven over time to be the best media value for most lube, fuel and air filter applications. New technology has allowed the development of cellulose-based media that provides the best combination of life and ...
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15718 Hits


Come by our Booth and get a hands on view of our products. Don't forget to get your scratch off and win $3200 prize for your company.​Conference.Reliableplant.com Date ​​April 22-24, 2014 ​Location San Antonio Convention Center
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16087 Hits

HENEK Goes to South Texas

HENEK goes to South Texas to perform test on purifying produced water for reuse to return back into a clean well. This test will eliminate transportation cost to dispose contaminated water from oil production. ​
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16726 Hits

Team HENEK Cookers Supports wounded warriors projects

Team HENEK​ Cookers won two second place trophies for brisket and ribs at the cook off for the Wounded Warriors Project held at Royal Purple Raceway. ​
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8674 Hits


Come by our Booth 314 and get a hands on view of our products. Don't forget to pick up our Dr. Dehydrator T-Shirt for stopping by. Conference.reliableplant.com Date ​​April 16-18, 2013 ​Location Columbus Ohio Convention Center Booth​314
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9149 Hits

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